The Whole Assignment of My Initial Metaphor

My Initial Metaphor


     Brother Magleby is my teacher for a foundational Education Class. He wants us to have a metaphor for us to not lose vision of what an educator is all about. His personal metaphor goes along with a parable. He told of a couple of students of his. One takes principles of learning from his class in a form of logs, filling a storage shed until he beginning his career. In his career, he lights these logs, sharing the light with his students with a burning fire; however, he finds that he runs out of logs. 
     The second student takes the principles of his class in a form of a tree, bidding them to take care of it. The tree grows as he approaches his profession. He learns to make the skill of his profession to be fruitful. In his classes he shares his fruits and the seeds to his students, and they find that it is tasty and desirable.
Guess what his metaphor is.
     He encouraged it to be a subject of a singular idea. This activity should have deep roots in our life as his metaphor has, so I will be adding to this post continually often for a long period of time at least for this semester. There are four parts to the metaphor. There will be an explanation of the metaphor, an example of teach by the pattern of teaching by doctrines, principles, and tools. In addition to an example, we are to answer seven fundamental question. Apply the teaching of the class to the Initial Metaphor, we will list doctrines and principles that our motivations are based on. 
     I will explain the pattern of teaching now with doctrines, principles, and application. Doctrines come from the description of the Godhead, Plan of Salvation, and the Atonement of Christ, and Principles are the expectations that are rooted in the knowledge of the doctrine.  
     One doctrine of the Atonement of Christ is that our Savior has atoned for sins of the whole family of Adam; therefore, we need to make it possible that all people can receive the covenants and ordinances of the Gospel. The salvation of all man is people through Christ. This is why God has restored his temples on the Earth that these ordinances can be performed for all man. We have a lot of work to do to map out our genealogy in order to find and let our ancestors chose to receive the ordinances of Salvation such as Baptism of Immersion and the receiving of the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the Laying on of Hands. People cannot be saved; unless, they receive these covenants of Faith and repentance. Children, who have died before the age of accountability, are saved by the grace of the atonement. A tool to help you receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ is, a place where many resources are found of curious people. 
     Faith, covenants, genealogy work, temple work, and repentance are examples of principles. If you say that you need to be baptized to someone in order to be saved as the only reason to teach concerning this necessary ordinance. People may do it, but they may not know the deep that it has in the Gospel. The immersion is symbolic of work the perfect man and a member of the Godhead, the Only Begotten of our Father in Heaven. God the Father raised all of us spiritually before we are born in the flesh. Since we were spirits, we could not enjoy eternal life as God the Father, for he in an immortal man. He called all of us together when it was most opportune to initiate the beginning of the Plan of Salvation, where we will need to live in mortality. In this life we will need to learn how to live the Gospel by our choice and find grace by living up to the expectations of God. Jehovah of the Old Testament was chosen in this gathering to be our savior by dying for us and performing the atonement that we may be forgiven and pure as we were born. The Baptism of immersion is symbolic of this because we are bared in the water and pulled out a new creature as Christ took up his life again after his death. Jesus Christ, the mortal name in the New Testament of Jehovah, is the only person which can accomplish this because of his purity in perfection, and he was blessed to be born of, the mortal, Mary and Heavenly Father as his literal father. Our Savior can take up his life upon his own well because of this blessing. Baptism of Immersion in the water can also be significant because the water symbolic of a cleansing, a promise of living the covenant. This is an example of teaching the principle of Baptism. 


My Initial Metaphor is a Professional Long-distance Endurance Runner. 

The Doctrine is represented by the person and his mental strength.

The Principle is represented by his work and preparation to be the greatest.

The Application or Tools that he has are represented by the workout plans and the varies means to accomplish his goals.


The Pattern

An example of using the teaching pattern will be shown hereafter. I will teach the principle of Enduring to the End. The doctrine is the Godhead. God is one, and his nature is eternal never-changing and perfection; therefore, we need to be enduring as his nature to life his lifestyle, which is perfect. God gives us many tools to endure to the end such as faith building commandments from paying tithing, communing with God with prayer and feasting on his word, and consistently being faithful to keep our covenants by partaking of the sacrament and attending the temple. With these tools and principles we can come to know God and prepare to live in his kingdom, for only those that are pure as he is can be attempted into his kingdom and presence.

Doctrines and Principles that I espouse:

(Doctrines are written in Arial, and Principles are written in Times)

Follow the pattern of teaching of Doctrine, Principles, and Application - Elder Bednar
Understand the philosophies of Man
·         I learned in the philosophy section of the class that most people have different philosophies; therefore, we should respect that especially when working at an individual level. You can run an organization by your own personal philosophy.
The following philosophies were exposed in the class..
These are applied to education
Social Reconstructionism
Solving the social questions of the day.
Theodore Brameld (1904-1987)
The belief that there are common knowledge that is morally essential, and the learning is structured
Read, write, speak, and compute clearly and logically.
hard work, respect for authority
become valuable members
William Bagley (1934), James D. Koerner (1959), H. G. Rickover (1959), Paul Copperman (1978), and Theodore Sizer (1985).
The belief of teaching the unchanging truths of the foundation of civilization.
Robert Maynard Hutchins (1963) and Mortimer Adler
Focuses on the child’s being, pushing his limits by the practice of the scientific method.
John Dewey
Figuring out what is best for the individual
Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
These are the general origin of the philosophy
Teaches the eternal truths of life
Studies the world, by the scientific method
Neo Thomism
Combines the practice of realism with the learning of the truths of idealism
St. Thomas Aquinas
Does not value the learning of theory, but trusts the learning of real life experience.
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914)
Work at a school that follows the same philosophy as yours
Discover your philosophy
Understand the psychology of man
·         I learned from psychology is fundamental to education, for it makes learning natural from Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
View people as not limited in potential
·         Another value that I learned from Pestalozzi is to practice the cultivation of the inner capacity of a person.
o    Practice the principle of multiple intelligences.
Both Jean Anyon and Imani Perry noticed a different attitude in lower class schools and affluent schools.
This attitude gave a self-reliant learning and problem solving
Don’t limit the opportunities of students
Expose them to a broad amount of perspectives and opportunities of the world.
The growth of intelligence is at a set pace for each individual.  Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Respect and work with IEPs
PL 94-142
“Social interaction are the first to be developed before academic basics
Don’t make accommodations for children with learning disabilities a fight
Appreciate the presence of special needs children. Let the school thrive of them.
Seek to understand the perspective of parents and students”
Wisdom from a special educational administrator.
Heavenly Father
·         Foster belonging
o    John Dewey
·         Develop a Fatherly nature 
o    Pestalozzi also taught that the family should be obligated to teach their children
o    Respect child develop theories, understanding their needs and perspectives
Imani Perry felt like she did not belong at either public or private school because she felt off racially.
Understand the isolation that can be felt by youth.
Instruct in the zone of proximal development
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Continually Seek a proper vision of education
Jean Anyon saw that the vision of education is inadequate, so I want to have the best vision of education
Teach social skills
John Dewey
Jesus Christ
·         Abide the Law (LDS Article of Faith number twelve)
·         Be an example and on the leading edge of my skill
o    According to Imai Perry, the teachers were on the leading edge of their field of study, expounding it unto their students
·         Have Problem Solving attitude/Problem posing education
Paulo Freire’s
·         Sacrifice and Consecrate my life to teach
·         Stand in defense of truth and virtue
Child Protection Act of 2012
Seek Christ-like Attributes.
Faith in Jesus Christ
The enabling power of the belief of Christ
A nature of faith that blessings will be fulfilled
Charity and Love
Obtain the pure love of Christ
A nature of purity
An attitude of development by acquiring knowledge
“the capacity to endure delay, trouble, opposition, or suffering without becoming angry, frustrated, or anxious”
“willingness to submit to the will of the Lord and to give the Lord the honor for what is accomplished.”
“steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing the Lord’s work.”
“keep the commandments willingly… and to follow the counsel of your leaders.”
Chapter 6: Christlike Attributes of Preach My Gospel
Have a relationship as a teacher that is instructive at a personal level.
The nature of the parables of Christ.
Modify teaching to the each individual
Idaho Standards of Initial Certification of Professional School Personnel
Have leadership skills
Classroom Motivation and Management skills
Collaborate with Colleagues, Parents, Members of the Community
Idaho Standards of Initial Certification of Professional School Personnel
Holy Ghost
·         Be Professional
o    Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men. (D&C 11:21)
·         Be Current
o    88:78 Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;
o    88:79 Of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms. (Doctrine and Covenants)
·         Teach for understanding (Isaiah 28: 9-10)
o    A whole section of the class is devoted to this cause, saying this is the means by the following tools.
§  Generative Topics
They are interesting instructive subjects.
§  Through-lines/Understanding Goals
§  Performances of Understanding
§  Ongoing Assessment
·         Continually improve my curriculum
o    28:9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
o    28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little - Isaiah
·         Teach in the moment
Plan of Salvation

Pre-mortal Life

·         Be knowledgeable of the world from the beginning learn all aspects of it in theory and application
·         Education makes raw material into innovating industry.
Horace Mann
“Education creates or develops new treasures; treasures not before possessed or dreamed of by any one.”
Fall of Adam and the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
·         Teach and live up to integrity's expectations
·         practice, teach, make habit of the higher order of thinking
o    Steven Wolk criticized heavily the worksheet education of many public schools, for they were teaching the students that learning revolved around completing.
Decide what is right. Moroni 7:19
Bloom’s Taxonomy unto higher order of thinking
Don’t get boggled with the details and precision of expectations, but focus more on thought and idea processes.
Imani Perry
Socialized education saves children from this cruel world
Horace Mann
Forsake the natural man (Mosiah 3:19)
The natural man is the natural tendencies to be angry, jealous, hate, envy, lust, and so forth.
Mortality (imperfection and the imminent death)
·         Be an example of remembering what is important
·         Be connected with the community, teaching from real life experiences.
o    I see that this is important to develop confidence and skill in social life exemplary in the organization of the Madison High School in Rexburg. They were highly professional. The community were greatly involved in the production insomuch that provided funds for cable in order to pick up the performers for the effect of flying or floating, and they also
Reforms would ultimately rely on teachers
Teachers are accountable for the learning of the student. - Jean Anyon
Seek higher education. Don’t be satisfied with skill, work, and money.
W.E.B. Du Bois
The common core standards:
Are aligned with college and workforce expectations;
Are clear, understandable, and consistent;
Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills;
Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards;
Are informed by standards in other top performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society; and
Are evidence-based.
·         Respect the centralized standard and abilities of the nation’s education has been given by President Johnson.
Christ's Earthly Ministry
·         Make new structures that education practices can improve (a corporate model)
Jean Anyon believes new structures are the means to change the foundation of education.
Work at a local level, making adaptations at a local level
Superintendents and principles should give up “absolute power”
Retain a role of instructional leadership and motivational role
Give children control of his work in education
John Dewey
Have a personal relationship with your students. Let student teacher contact abound.
Imani Perry felt this lack at a public school.
Education unites, stabilizes nations, raising the standard of living.
Horace Mann
·         Believe everyone can change by learning, if they will it
Resurrection, Second Coming of Christ and his millennial reign
·         Don’t be a political teacher.
o   Don’t play the politics, for it is a sign of weakness.
§  Jean Anyon
·         Be an instructor of Justice
o    Amos, the bible prophet is famous for being an instructor of social justice,
Implement discipline
Jean Anynon
Justice and conciliation has a reforming influence.
Horace Mann
Kingdoms of Glory, Immortality, and Eternal Life
·         Eternal Marriage
o   Family units is a greatest opportunity for education with the father and mother
§  Jean Jacques Rousseau


 The Seven Questions
1.       Who am I and what motivates me?

I am Alex Hicken, and human relationship with God, the eternal nature our siblings as the children of God, and our savior Jesus Christ inspires me. I want the best for the children of God, and there is so much depth to human relations. With this nature I often say that I seek to master communication skills as a tool to fulfill the will of God.

2.       How do I view those I teach? 

I view those that I teach has people with great potential. I want help people live according to their true desires. During this past summer, I helped two people live their dreams to riding a bicycle to working professionally with musicians. Finding ones true potential and passion is necessary to this cause, so I take interest in people’s passions.

3.       What is my work as learner and teacher?

My work is to prepare my student to be effective citizens in society.
4.       What is worth teaching?

The power of teaching is the true inspiration of the world. Teaching in its’ many forms changes the world making things happen.

5.       How do I learn?

I try not to limit the ways that I learn, seeing my soul as very dynamic. I ponder a lot though. I learn intellectually based, analyzing as many parts of life that I am lead to.

6.       Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

Public schools are built upon its curriculum.  They seek to accomplish the missions of the school. Identifying the people who establish the curriculum or agenda of the schools are controversial.

7.       What is the role of school in society?
       School’s role in society is to raise and set the standard of knowledge and experience of the children therein. 

The Seven Questions answered on the 11th of December 2012

1. Who am I and what motivates me?

I am a student at Brigham Young University in Idaho, studying special education. The exploration of different careers in education is my plan. I want to be influential in the world of education, since America is the land of opportunity. I want to be a reformer thereof. A BYU website indicated to be that it is a good foundation to enter administration in order to be a reformer of education.The role of a principal is a means to make change in the nation’s education system that I plan to seek. Receiving a vision, I can make this change, which will need to be tested theoretically and pondered before implementation during my education.
Over the Thanksgiving Break, pondering one night on this goal, since I could not sleep, my thought connected the concept of capitalism to socialized education. Socialism is a controversial means to accomplish our goals, but it is popular. As a principal I would develop a nature of a school that will have each department will be reliant on their own capital; therefore, an unprofitable subject may be cut, but a profitable subject can thrive. I look forward to the day, if this vision is fulfilled that competition among public schools will raise the standard of learning as it becomes a leading standard of business.
I envision that theory should be taught in school, but each department has a business and practicing teachers of the subject. An English teacher must practice a profitable practice therein as an example; then, we will not be forced to practice skills, which we are not interested in. I played in band; although, I was not interested in it, and I did not understand music theoretically. I learn to enjoy music as I learned the theory of music. Those that have the passion to apply these exciting principles should be employed in their practice, developing their talent, passion, and skill by the unlimited means of capitalism. I would not have applied to join the band to be employed, and I should not have been employed in the band in high school because I lacked the musical theorical understanding. Can someone master music without the understanding of theory, but we practice music without the teaching of theory? If my high school only has 4 masters of practicing musicians even one musician, they can be means for profit to run a program. What is the use of an unprofitable program?
I can go on with my vision, but I look forward to the day, when my high school will not beg for funding, but pay taxes, showing the world that education does not need to be socialized, and we can employ the great talent and passion of adolescence. This is my vision to reform education. I want my school to be a first to have an IPO.

2. How do I view those I teach? 
I view my students and I am. We are learning to live in this world. All perspectives need to be understood. Education needs to be insightful for all individuals. Students are not an object of work as public education is not profitable. I see many youth lack parents a father, mother, or both.
Teachers are temporally guardians of a child; therefore, I see my position as fatherly. Parents need to be mentors until they are adults. When children are adults, they should be treated by a self-reliant adult as is the parent.
In my high school, a teacher will be an equal in the learning of their craft. Educators need to be practicing their subject. Math is a profitable subject in all practices. A teacher that cannot think the theoretical means of the purpose of their subject that it may be profitable; otherthan itself, he should not be teaching it, for they don’t understand the student, their role, or the role of math.
3. What is my work as a learner and a teacher?
My work as a learner and a teacher is the proper way reform education. I see that the role of a principal as a leader of a school; although, they can only lead perhaps a part of a city. I believe that he can lead a nation as company can be a leading developer of technology of the world. A profit of a singular high school cannot abide in its own residence, expecting to be profitable enough to be self-sustaining; therefore, this competition will have to spread. What if my high school is prospering enough to have composers of popular music for its own performers, when was the last time that a school or a teacher composed a song. Even if I have one masterful musician he can be a most profitable asset, he can go on alone, forsaking the employment of a department, a professional musician. We are all trying to prosper. We are all trying to figure out our way in the world; therefore, my school ought to have the same perspective.

4. What is worth teaching?

The things worth teaching are the things profitable unto man. The basic is literacy. This is the basics of man to explore theory. Things that are profitable do not need to be in a business setting as I have been writing of. Learning history is profitable in order to not suffer the same mistakes as the past. My university taught manners at the business dining situation because it is profitable. Learning sex education is profitable in order to have an informed relationship with the opposite sex, which lays a foundation for success in the family. Most subjects are profitable; therefore, my high school will when prospering will cut a program. It should be expanding as the courses in colleges and universities are expanding. Idea pitchs can be a means of expands and entrepreneurship. No student should ever endure a bad program, and they are not worth teaching because it is harmful to the field of study and the perspectives of the student and everyone involved.

5. How do I learn?

I learn by various means. I believe that learning comes by cognitive development. I say cognitive because there needs to be thinking in order to improve; therefore, I think a lot. Learning can come from pondering experience, human collaboration, literature, and so forth.
I believe that pondering is connected with idealism, the philosophy. In idealism there are truths in many varieties. I believe that God has a plan for his children on earth. Each aspect of that plan has many ideas of truths in the philosophy of idealism, and there are great depths to this. One ideal to ponder is the rights and wrongs of human relationships. When pondering these depths and ideals, Doctrines and principles are discovered. Doctrines are eternal truth. These ideas can address many questions of life. Principles are the ideals applied to life. The pondering of these things is important to me. A life based on doctrines and principles is based on truths. A life lived without the truths of doctrines and principles is lost. Things lose meaning without this process of understanding. I believe in a life of meaning this way.

6. Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

As you may have read, I believe that the principal is the leader of a school. I may be mistaken because I am young in the exploration of the education system. This leader has a guiding role for the teachers.
Teachers have an important role as part of the foundation of education because they are at the forefront, actually running the class applying the lesson plans. The teachers set the learning environment for every student in schools.
Another foundation of education is the philosophy and nature of the school. The philosophy and nature of the school sets the methodology of learning. The goals of a school are a key. These goals can focus on academic excellence and structure, college preparation, diploma and literacy, and learning of social skills.
The students are the foundation too because they have the needs in their development. A children’s development is a very individualized process especially with “disabled” students. Teaching for their needs is an important principle.

7.  What is the role of school in society?

Schools are given too many responsibilities, and these roles can be seen as realistic. These tasks are unable to be accomplished; thus, they fail at all tasks. A list of roles that Diane Ravitch composed of the many roles that are sought after for public schools as follows: reduce inequality among individuals, improve economy, spread skill, improve the civilization, reduce alienation, and build more united communities. The preservation of creativity is a subject of much attention today as literacy is taken for granted in America. I don’t believe in the minimal standard to teaching only literacy.
With my vision of my high school, adolescence will see the purpose of writing, reading, and the practicing of skill, for it is not a far off to be practicing a profession and a career. This practice in not extracurricular, but it wil be professional. The high school years and adolescence is a time of learning new emotion and the exploration, and it is also the time of the discovery of abstract thought. An adolescent is full of the passion for life, and the normal high school kills it by studying preparing for college, accomplishing little. Some may work, and some may have practiced a hobby. A lot of adolescence are wasting away this age of discover with meaningless thrill-seeking activities. The standards of a high school diploma and college preparation will remain, but the classes explain the theory of life. These theories are shown to be directly applied in the department businesses by the practicing teachers on the leading edge of their profession.
A portfolio and creative activities were appreciated in school achievement in one of the literary zeniths of education in the class manual. This can be a means to prepare a resume to apply for department businesses; however, these businesses will have a high professional standard. Not any person that applies will be given a job of high demand and experience. They will need to show their talent, skill, and diligence, and they will be paid with a competitive wage.
I have no idea how this will change middle schools, but this establishment is a controversial situation. Perhaps middle school can be a beginning of the preparation of their portfolio of works, practicing skills; a more focused purpose of education, as they may be gave an entry level job their freshman year of high school.
